Friday, December 9, 2011

Quick Update

I got home from New York November 16th and have done nothing of consequence since (except take a trip to the Galleria mall, where my cell phone fell out of my back pocket and right into an auto-flush toilet. Fail).

Except starting this Sunday I will be busy for the first time since I graduated (which, yes, I did. I got C's in both my summer classes, and fuck it, whatever, I have a degree in Anthropology). My dad's friend from work has an 11-year-old son that needs some reading comprehension tutoring, one hour a week, which I think I'll get 10 bucks for. I have no idea how to tutor someone in reading, let alone a 6th grader, but we will see how that goes.


While skulking around Barnes & Noble (and trying to buy a copy of Sarah Monette's Somewhere Beneath Those Waves, which they had to order for me because sometimes big retailers wouldn't know quality if it got on its knees and started blowing them), I happened to overhear a conversation between a customer service guy and someone handing in an application. This guy had open availability listed on the app, and CS dude immediately let the manager know instead of shoving it in the drawer like they usually do. So I asked. And they were looking for people with open availability, even if it was just for the holiday season.

I've wanted to work in a bookstore since I was, I don't know, twelve? So I applied.

After two interviews, and a brief scare involving them wanting me to work in the Starbucks, I got a call today saying they'd like to hire me as a ~bookseller~ and would I please come in for orientation this Sunday at four.

So that's happening.


I'm basically going to get paid to make people buy books, do you know how awesome that is to me? And if I decide to move to New York (more specifically, if I get chosen for that anthropology internship at the AMNH), I can apply for a transfer so easily.


The Hopeful Librarian

Also, I've decided to do the Unread Book Challenge 2012 because the unread books I own greatly outnumber the books I own that I've actually read. (actually, I just did the math: I've read a little less than 20% of the books I own, not counting graphic novels or big anthologies or reference books or language textbooks that people don't just sit down and read)

More info here:

My To-Be-Read pile is miles and miles and miles high, so I'll have pick and choose, or keep doing it in 2013, but anyway, yes. Totally doing it. And, like Sarah Monette (who inspired this idea), after I'm done I'll post a little review about each.