Saturday, January 14, 2012

So. January.

Life update: So, I am in fact making lattes for the Barnes & Noble cafe (as well as tutoring a 6th grader in reading for 10 bucks for an hour a week, which is easy and extra cash), and though it isn't ideal, it doesn't suck. I'm a major spaz and spill things and don't always do well and I'm not a fan of being this busy I don't think, but I'm making money, and I know have the skill of making Starbucks drinks under my belt which means I can apply for a job pretty much anywhere. But yes, paychecks, a 30% discount on books, decent coworkers. But there's one "problem."

I'm not staying.

Because I got a call two weeks ago that the American Museum of Natural History in New York wants me in their internship program. Which means that I'll be living in New York from February to May at least. The only reason this isn't just keysmashes and exclamation points is because I've had two weeks to calm down about it. I can't apply for a transfer with B&N until having worked there for 6 months, which sucks, and I feel bad that they hired me because they needed me and now I have to leave, but I honestly didn't really expect to get the internship. I almost failed out of school and got mostly C's in my major classes, so I don't even know what the deal-maker was there.
But I talked to someone who worked at the B&N in Manhattan on 5th and apparently they're really good with new hires, so I may have a chance to work there anyway, because goodness knows I'll need money what with living there and working an unpaid but incredibly exciting internship.


New Years Resolutions:
1. Fit properly into my jeans again by not being so lazy about the things I eat, also walking everywhere.
2. Be less of a waste of carbon and oxygen
3. Make a sincere attempt at a serious relationship
              Corollary: Try not to suck as much at People Feelings
4. Read at least 20 (twenty) books you have not read before (I am an incredibly slow reader, especially when busy)
5. Complete 1 (one) relatively satisfactory piece of writing.
6. Take and do well on the GRE. Implying that grad school applications are happening


Since I am doing the Unread Book Challenge for 2012, I want to kick off the new year by posting about what I read last year.