Saturday, January 14, 2012

So. January.

Life update: So, I am in fact making lattes for the Barnes & Noble cafe (as well as tutoring a 6th grader in reading for 10 bucks for an hour a week, which is easy and extra cash), and though it isn't ideal, it doesn't suck. I'm a major spaz and spill things and don't always do well and I'm not a fan of being this busy I don't think, but I'm making money, and I know have the skill of making Starbucks drinks under my belt which means I can apply for a job pretty much anywhere. But yes, paychecks, a 30% discount on books, decent coworkers. But there's one "problem."

I'm not staying.

Because I got a call two weeks ago that the American Museum of Natural History in New York wants me in their internship program. Which means that I'll be living in New York from February to May at least. The only reason this isn't just keysmashes and exclamation points is because I've had two weeks to calm down about it. I can't apply for a transfer with B&N until having worked there for 6 months, which sucks, and I feel bad that they hired me because they needed me and now I have to leave, but I honestly didn't really expect to get the internship. I almost failed out of school and got mostly C's in my major classes, so I don't even know what the deal-maker was there.
But I talked to someone who worked at the B&N in Manhattan on 5th and apparently they're really good with new hires, so I may have a chance to work there anyway, because goodness knows I'll need money what with living there and working an unpaid but incredibly exciting internship.


New Years Resolutions:
1. Fit properly into my jeans again by not being so lazy about the things I eat, also walking everywhere.
2. Be less of a waste of carbon and oxygen
3. Make a sincere attempt at a serious relationship
              Corollary: Try not to suck as much at People Feelings
4. Read at least 20 (twenty) books you have not read before (I am an incredibly slow reader, especially when busy)
5. Complete 1 (one) relatively satisfactory piece of writing.
6. Take and do well on the GRE. Implying that grad school applications are happening


Since I am doing the Unread Book Challenge for 2012, I want to kick off the new year by posting about what I read last year.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Quick Update

I got home from New York November 16th and have done nothing of consequence since (except take a trip to the Galleria mall, where my cell phone fell out of my back pocket and right into an auto-flush toilet. Fail).

Except starting this Sunday I will be busy for the first time since I graduated (which, yes, I did. I got C's in both my summer classes, and fuck it, whatever, I have a degree in Anthropology). My dad's friend from work has an 11-year-old son that needs some reading comprehension tutoring, one hour a week, which I think I'll get 10 bucks for. I have no idea how to tutor someone in reading, let alone a 6th grader, but we will see how that goes.


While skulking around Barnes & Noble (and trying to buy a copy of Sarah Monette's Somewhere Beneath Those Waves, which they had to order for me because sometimes big retailers wouldn't know quality if it got on its knees and started blowing them), I happened to overhear a conversation between a customer service guy and someone handing in an application. This guy had open availability listed on the app, and CS dude immediately let the manager know instead of shoving it in the drawer like they usually do. So I asked. And they were looking for people with open availability, even if it was just for the holiday season.

I've wanted to work in a bookstore since I was, I don't know, twelve? So I applied.

After two interviews, and a brief scare involving them wanting me to work in the Starbucks, I got a call today saying they'd like to hire me as a ~bookseller~ and would I please come in for orientation this Sunday at four.

So that's happening.


I'm basically going to get paid to make people buy books, do you know how awesome that is to me? And if I decide to move to New York (more specifically, if I get chosen for that anthropology internship at the AMNH), I can apply for a transfer so easily.


The Hopeful Librarian

Also, I've decided to do the Unread Book Challenge 2012 because the unread books I own greatly outnumber the books I own that I've actually read. (actually, I just did the math: I've read a little less than 20% of the books I own, not counting graphic novels or big anthologies or reference books or language textbooks that people don't just sit down and read)

More info here:

My To-Be-Read pile is miles and miles and miles high, so I'll have pick and choose, or keep doing it in 2013, but anyway, yes. Totally doing it. And, like Sarah Monette (who inspired this idea), after I'm done I'll post a little review about each.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Hey, remember when I said that, for better or for worse, I'm leaving school?

Yeah, no. That pile of failure and misery sort of compounded, resulting in me having to take two 6-week summer courses.

One of them I'm doing online for FSU, even though I'm currently home in Coral Springs. It's called Peoples of the World, and it's basically a class in ethnography, which, while interesting, isn't totally my thing. I'm kind of excited to read Chagnon's "Yanomamo" book though. The other class I'm doing is at FAU (as a ~transient student~) called Gender and Culture. And by Gender and Culture, they really mean Crash Course in Feminist Anthropology. I don't know why, but feminist theory and I don't tend to mix well. I'm all for the equality of the genders, but I feel that in feminist theory, while it does some good, I feel like a whole shit ton of information is ignored--the same goes for feminist literary criticism (sometimes I use it in papers when I don't feel like doing any actual thinking). I don't have anything against members of the feminist movement, I just find feminist analysis to be kind of lacking and not very holistic.
But what do I know? I don't even have my Bachelor's. (Yet.)

Because of these classes, I'm once again not going to blog much until they're out of the way. I still have to unpack the contents of basically half a college apartment into my itty bitty room and make it all fit, as well.

There is something I do want to talk about though. I'm reading a book called The Child Thief by Brom. It's a sort of gothic, twisted version of the Peter Pan story. I'm going to reserve full judgment until I actually finish the book, since I never like when people criticize something without experiencing all of it, but I'm getting the impression it's trying just a little too hard to be edgy, and it's starting to annoy me. The prose is...okay. I can tell this guy's not actually a professional writer--and he's not. Brom is actually an artist. A really cool one, at that. He has one big illustration for each chapter, and color illustrations of some main characters in the middle. It's gorgeous art. But I can tell it's an artist writing this book, not a writer. There's also not much in terms of subtlety when it comes to moral messages--the whole HUMANZ ARE TEH EV0L AND ONLY CHILDRENZ HAVE TEH MAJIKS AND TREES ARE PEOPLE deal. Loooots of that. Man is the enemy in this book, and I really dislike that there seems to be no ambiguity in the matter. Or...there is, but the book doesn't seem to want to acknowledge'm seeing major faults with the morality of Peter and the lost boys--or Devils, as they're called in the book--but the story itself seems not to notice. I don't know. Again, I'll withhold my final opinion until I've actually finished the thing.

And don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the book. On the surface it's entertaining and imaginative the concept itself is really intriguing. It's a bit on the depressing and dark side, and I found myself reading Princess Bride last night to cheer myself up, but that sort of comes with the territory. I am told there are certain twists in the story, and I can't wait to read them. I have to get it finished by this weekend, anyway, as the girl I borrowed it from is coming to town then.

Anyhow. I have an assignment for Peoples of the World due tomorrow, so I should probably get on that while I'm still stuck at FAU's library.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Not Dead

Just dropping in for the sole purpose of updating. My last year of school has been one giant blob of failure and misery and I haven't had much free time to blog about things I like. However, I still plan on doing this thing. I leave school in a month and a day, for better or for worse, and I will be getting a start on these blogs because for once in my life I won't have much else to do!

Despite my excitement about graduating, I'm sad to leave Tallahassee. It's a city with such character. It contains some really cool people and, best of all, three spectacular used book stores. But goodness knows I'll probably be back. I made a promise to Anna that we would celebrate our 21st birthdays together, and it would involve a bottle of Strawberry Hill. Not to mention I could finally hit up all the awesome bars I've been missing out on.

I have to say, though: there is something freeing about not knowing what's next.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Intro Post

I plan on doing a lot of different things with this blog. Reviewing movies and TV shows, potentially a la That Guy with the Glasses in YouTube videos, and books, maybe a la Mark Reads Etc. Or perhaps I'll be original and develop my own reviewing style, who knows? Lol.

These are a couple of ideas that I have:

General Video Reviews:
Dragonball: Evolution, the Twilight Series, The Last Airbender, Eragon, the Harry Potter series, the Pirates porn movies by DP, obscure Miyazaki movies, Disney sequels, Once Upon a Forest, Land Before Time, Unappreciated Disney, Apocalypto, The Brave Little Toaster, The Golden Compass, Tim Burton, Stardust, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Van Helsing, Death Note live action, User Generated Content, I'll Be Home for Christmas

Musical Theatre Theater:
RENT, Cats, Bare, Dr. Horrible, Rocky Horror, Repo, Sweeney Todd, Fosse, Avenue Q, Glee, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Chess (West End vs Broadway), Lord of the Rings

Gay Fiction Theater:
Latter Days, The Living End, But I'm a Cheerleader, Another Gay Movie, Between Love and Goodbye, Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss, Gravitation, Brokeback Mountain, If These Walls Could Talk 2, The Birdcage, Make the Yuletide Gay

Sailor Moon, The Worst English Anime, Top English Anime...

Dr. Who: A Layman's Perspective, Supernatural, Bones, Jersey Shore

Books (especially gay-themed): The following might be chapter-by-chapter written reviews since I haven't read them yet: A Better Place by Mark A Roeder, Viking Unchained by Sandra Hill, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris, Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, the My Immortal Fanfiction by Tara Gilesbie, Rainbow Boys
These would probably be video reviews: Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons, Melusine by Sarah Monette, Tithe by Holly Black, Shadow Unit, John Green books

Perhaps episode by episode reviews of Buffy because I have never watched it

Yea/Nay? I'm just throwing ideas out there. Anything there where you're like DNW, or any suggestions you could make? I do want to focus on LGBT-themed film and literature especially. Let me know.

The first video I plan on making is Dragonball: Evolution.